Are you singing the song from "The Sound of Music" yet?
Remember the collage I posted in my first blog post (here)? Well a lot of my favorite things are in that collage. I thought I would share some of them a little more in detail.
One of the pictures in there is of a sign that says "Somebody told me that this is the place where everything's better and everything's safe" - that sign is from one of my favorite shows: One Tree Hill. I really like the quote and considering the last episode of the series premiered a couple days ago I figured that would be great place to start. I have been watching (okay...obsessing) over this show since I was in high school. Yes, it's a teenage drama series, yes it's quite ridiculous and outlandish and yes it is awesome. It's funny how after nine season these people and these relationships sometimes feel real - I've laughed at them, cried with them and got excited for the big moments in their lives. (P.S. I realize this is NOT reality and these people are actors...I'm not THAT crazy) It was extremely sad to see the show go, but I have to give it to the writers and cast of the show - the last episode was perfect!
Lilacs: Not only do lilacs smell AMAZING, they also are super pretty. You'd be crazy not to at least notice they're pretty, even if they make you sneeze :) Shortly after our honeymoon, Justin and I took a trip up to Mackinaw for the lilac festival. I was super excited because I have never seen the island covered in lilacs and had been told you could smell them from the ferry. When we got there (the day before the festival started) all of the lilacs were already gone. I was so disappointed and it continues to be one of my dream trips to spend time on Mackinaw Island during the Lilac Festival.
Oddly enough, there are two pictures on my collage that I do not really consider big parts of "me" anymore. I recently gave up drinking diet coke. (Shocking, I know!) It was a spur-of-the-moment decision and has been easier to stick to than I had originally thought. I decided to give up pop entirely and was fine with it until just this week. I gave into my cravings today and had half a glass of Sierra Mist - it was good, but honestly didn't taste as good as I remember. Water seems to satisfy me much more than other beverages. In addition to the diet coke can, there is also a Starbucks logo. Don't get me wrong, I still love me a Grande, non-fat carmel macchiato (sp?), but lately when I have a lot of caffeine I have been getting pains in my chest and shaky feeling so I've cut way down on my caffeine intake as well. My assumption is that since I have taken out my #1 form of caffeine (diet coke) my body has gotten used to functioning without it and now smaller amounts have bigger effects. But either way, I don't think I would include those two pictures in my collage if I was to make it again today.
So, these are a few of my favorite (and not-so favorite) things. What are yours?
If you were told to pick three favorite things, what would you pick?
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