Thursday, July 5, 2012


I seem to be having trouble sleeping tonight, I'm not sure if it's because I can't get my mind to stop whirling around in circles or if I had a dose of caffeine too late in the day...maybe both. It could also be the confusion that I was off from work on a Wednesday and my body thinks tomorrow is lazy Sunday not Thursday. Maybe it's because I keep wondering why I'm awake? Who knows, but anyway...

Justin and I had to make a responsible decision tonight but it made me kind of sad. We were planning on road tripping from Michigan to Texas next week to visit some friends in Lubbock, but unfortunately, due to limited funds we had to cancel our trip. It was the right thing to do with gas prices the way that they are but we were both looking forward to our first cross-country road trip and seeing our friends. So we are instead opting for a "staycation" which I normally would think is one of the DUMBEST words ever, but in light of our current predicament I have found some inspiration from this rather annoying, fake word.

Since we both already have the time off, we have decided to do some fun things while we're home and save some dough. Tonight while I was thinking of the (free) fun things we could do, I was inspired to create a list of things I want to accomplish this summer. I am slightly nervous that if I do not actually make a list and post it on my blog (that no one reads) I will not hold myself accountable to actually do these (free) fun things while I'm on vacation and I'll end up hanging out on the couch doing laundry watching endless episodes of How I Met Your Mother. So I leave it up to you, whoever you are, to hold me accountable to these summer goals. I might not get them all done on my vacation, but I would like to accomplish them before September. Hopefully that will also inspire me to post more on my blog, because let's face it - I'm not really being the best blogger.

Here is my list so far, I will add to it as I think of more things!

Borrow books from the library (instead of spending $ for e-books)
Go to the Plymouth Farmers Market (Sat mornings) and ACTUALLY buy produce!
Use our free tickets to the Henry Ford Museum
Go to Kensington Park
Do a bike riding trip
Take pictures and get them printed
Make some pages in my Smash Book
Purge some of the stuff still in boxes from when we moved TWO YEARS AGO!
Have my parents over for dinner (this one is kinda sneaky because I already have this planned for next weekend) ;)

That's all I can think of right now so I am going to try and go to bed - mainly because I am sitting in the dark living room with my laptop and am being attacked by a killer moth.

G'night, Em.


  1. You forgot to add 'dinner with the most awesome person on earth, aka Jamie!!

  2. Totally adding it to the list in my next post! :)
