Friday, September 21, 2012

High Five for Friday

So, I've been pretty MIA lately on the blog front, but I figured if I was going to avoid studying today I might as well be a little productive...if you do, in fact, call blogging productive.

Remember when I said I found some things from other blogs that I wanted to try? Well one of them is called "High Five for Friday" a bunch of bloggers connect with each other and share the highlights of their week. I'm going to try and make an attempt finding five things to highlight from the past week but it's been kind of a strange week so it might be difficult. 

On Sunday, Justin and I went with my sister to the Detroit Zoo's Run Wild fundraising event for the animal hospital at the zoo. My sister is in school to be a vet tech and her class go to this event every year and we decided to tag along. We got admission to the zoo, a t-shirt and a bunch of free food. It was a beautiful day and we even tagged along on her class's tour of the zoo's animal hospital which was pretty cool even though I knew nothing about 90% of what they were talking about.

This really isn't a highlight, but Justin went to Texas this week to spend time with friends. From what I've heard he's been playing video games, touring Lubbock, went to the gun range and other Texas boy stuff. While he's been away I have been pretty lazy - did some laundry, cleaning and grocery shopping but other than that I've been nursing a wicked cold and playing with the kittens (I did go to work too). 

Another highlight - I had today off, which was really nice. I intended to be rather productive but ended up not really doing much of anything. I did try a recipe that I found on pinterest and let's just say it did not turn out as expected. Here is the original recipe...and this is what mine looked like.

They tasted like crap too. Oh well - better luck next time. The down side of being off today is that I have to work all day tomorrow, BUT I get to work with one of my favorite ladies - so that's another highlight :)

So there is my first "High Five for Friday" post - hopefully next week I have more highlights to share, but you've gotta start somewhere!


  1. I don't know if you have heard of the website Pinstrosity, but they highlight pins gone bad. When you try something and it turns out nothing like the pin. They just happened to talk about this recipe too.

    I haven't submitted anything yet, but I am sure it is just a matter of time. LOL

  2. Thanks! I'll check it out. I was disappointed in these...I did freeze them like suggested but our oven is awful so that could be part of the problem too.

  3. I made a Pinterest recipe that was awful as well. Glad I found that there is a website to share that! Coming over from H54F. Check out my blog jig you get a chance :)


  4. Hi Sarah, I checked out your blog- loved the fall bucket list idea! I just might try it. Thanks for stopping by!
