Sunday, September 23, 2012

Five Tips On How To NOT Be A Bridezilla

I'm not sure if I was successful at being a Non-Bridezilla while I was planning our wedding, but since then I have gathered some ideas on how to keep your inner beast tamed while planning your big day. I am partially writing this post for my sister-in-law who is in the process of planning her May 2013 wedding. While chatting with her about what she is planning I have noticed that while trends change so much from year to year, there are some basics that are always the same.

1. My first suggestion is always to research and find a photographer that you love! It is so expensive to hire a professional photographer, but if you find the right one it will be very much worth the sticker price. I was really disappointed with our pictures after the wedding and that will forever be my biggest regret from our day. I had two photographers that I loved and both of them were booked for our date and we ended up going with someone that we knew (family member of an acquaintance) and I ended up with very basic pictures and very disappointed. So research and book your photographer EARLY. My friend Amanda had this to say about booking a photographer: 

"Love your photographer, if you have any doubts after engagement pictures- REBOOK. Make sure you to tell your photographer exactly what images you want, chances are they will miss some. So communicate. Have your MOH or a bridesmaid make sure your dress doesn't need to be re-adjusted during shots (ie your bra is showing on the side) because your photographer is too busy clicking away to care (and a good image might be ruined by careless editing on their part)."

2. The second piece of advice that I can pass along is to stick to your choices! There will be times where you will see something else you want to add, something you want to change, etc. but the best thing you can do is just stick with your original decision. If you are constantly looking for new things to spend time and money one you will eventually be broke and have an over-done event where 60% of the little details you agonized over will go unnoticed. 

3. Let people help you - I am a self-proclaimed perfectionist. I had a very hard time letting people help me with anything wedding related. If people offer to help, give them some job to do, something that you don't mind letting go of. In the end it will help check something off your to-do list and will make your friend or family member feel like they're helping with something.

4. Don't let people sell you on extra crap you don't need. I hate seat covers - they always get stuck on the backs your chair legs and quite frankly just look silly. They also cost a fortune! People that work at banquet halls will try to sell you all kinds of crap because it's more money in their pocket. Keep it simple and keep it unique to you.

5. Have fun! Don't stress yourself out on the day of your wedding! Little things might go wrong, but let other people handle it for you. The day will fly by faster than you can even possibly believe and you won't be able to remember the details if you're constantly worried about something that *might* go wrong. It is your day - everyone is there to see and celebrate you. Enjoy it.

Have any other tips for brides? Share them!

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